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Working with Client Matter Codes and Forced Authorization Codes Forced Authorization Codes (FAC) and Client Matter Codes (CMC) allow you to manage call access and accounting. CMC assists with call accounting and billing for billable clients, while Forced Authorization Codes regulate the types of calls that certain users can place. Client Matter Codes force the user to enter a code to specify that the call relates to a specific client matter.

Step 2 Download BAT.xlt file from the server. See the 'Downloading a File' section on page 2-2 to a local machine where Microsoft Excel is installed.

You can assign client matter codes to customers, students, or other populations for call accounting and billing purposes. The Forced Authorization Codes feature forces the user to enter a valid authorization code before the call completes. The CMC and FAC features require that you make changes to route patterns and update your dial plan documents to reflect that you enabled or disabled FAC and/or CMC for each route pattern. This chapter contains information on the following topics:.

CMC and FAC Configuration Checklist provides steps in the order in which you should use Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration (BAT) to implement CMC and FAC. For more information about related procedures, see the.

Table 53-1 Cisco CMC and FAC Configuration Checklist Configuration Steps Related Procedures and Topics Step 1 Review important BAT information and general information about the CMC and FAC features. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide Step 2 Create a CSV file for CMC or FAC and enter the CMC and FAC configuration information. Step 3 To update the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, insert the CSV file in BAT.

Step 4 Enable FAC or CMC by adding or updating route patterns in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide Step 5 Update your dial plan documents or keep a printout of the BAT CSV file with your dial plan documents. Refer to your dial plan documents.

Step 6 Provide all necessary information, for example, codes, to users and explain how the features work. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide Important BAT Considerations Before you use BAT to configure CMC or FAC, review the following information:. Create separate CSV files for CMC and FAC.

Do not mix the two features in a single CSV file. When you add CMC or FAC settings for the first time, you can create a CSV file through BAT.xlt or create a custom text-based CSV file. To update, delete, or add more CMC or FAC settings (not first time), you can edit an existing CSV file or create a custom text-based CSV file. In the file/spreadsheet, do not enter two or more codes (and corresponding settings) on a single line. Designate a single line for each code (and corresponding setting). For example, use the following format when you enter codes for Forced Authorization Codes: (Authorization Code, Authorization Code Name, Authorization Level) 1234,John Smith,20 1235,Lisa Mendez,10 5551,Debbie Dunn,30.

Deleting information from a file and leaving the information blank does not remove the information from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database; in other words, a blank value does not overwrite an existing value in the database. Updating the values overwrites the existing value in the database. Make sure that you upload the appropriate CSV files to the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. For more information, see the.

Any time that you create or change a CSV file, you must insert the CSV file in BAT, as described in. Creating a CSV File by Using BAT.xlt To create a CSV file for CMC or FAC by using BAT.xlt, perform the following procedure: Procedure Step 1 The BAT.xlt file exists on the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server; however, you normally do not have Microsoft Excel installed on the server. In that case, you must copy the file from the first node and move it to the local machine, which must have Microsoft Excel installed. Step 2 Download BAT.xlt file from the server. See the to a local machine where Microsoft Excel is installed.

Step 3 In Microsoft Excel, open BAT.xlt. When, prompted, click Enable Macros.

Tip Remember that you must create two separate CSV files, one for CMC and one for FAC. Step 4 Click one of the following tabs:.

Insert CMC—If you are creating a CMC CSV file. Insert FAC—If you are creating a FAC CSV file Step 5 Use to enter CMC or FAC settings in the columns. Step 6 Repeat until you enter all codes.

Step 7 To transfer the Excel spreadsheet format to a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format. The system automatically saves CSV files to C: XlsDatafiles on the local machine. Click Browse to choose a different location. Step 8 Upload the CSV files to the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. For more information, see. Step 9 You must add the CSV file to BAT. To insert the CSV file in BAT, see the.

Additional Topics See the. Using a Text Editor to Create the CSV Data File for Client Matter Codes and Forced Authorization Codes You can create the CSV data file by using lines of ASCII text with values separated by commas.

The comma separated values (CSV) file provides textual information in tabular form. For more information about text-based CSV files for client matter codes and forced authorization codes, see the. Additional Topics See the.

Editing an Existing CMC or FAC CSV File You update existing codes by manually updating an existing CSV file in Notepad or by creating a new file in Notepad. Perform the following procedure: Procedure Step 1 To edit an existing CSV file where you previously inserted codes, download the CSV files from the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. For more information, see. Step 2 In Notepad, open and edit the existing CSV file; delete existing settings, add new codes, or update existing settings by using the text-based representation in. If you are updating a CMC CSV file, for example, you may enter 5555,Acme Toys, where 5555 equals the mandatory client matter code, and Acme Toys equals the description.

Bat Xlt Download

If you are updating a FAC CSV file, for example, you may enter 1234,John Smith,20, where 1234 equals the forced authorization code, John Smith equals the authorization code name, and 20 equals the authorization level. Caution If you add new codes at the same time that you update them, make sure that you enter all required information. You can change any part of an existing record, but you must include the code; for example, the forced authorization code or client matter code. Deleting information and leaving it blank does not remove the information from the database; a blank value does not overwrite an existing value in the database, but, updating the value, for example, to Acme Toys, Inc. Smith from the preceding examples, overwrites the existing value in the database.

Step 3 Upload the CSV files to the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server. For more information, see. Step 4 You must add the CSV file to BAT. To insert the CSV file in BAT, see the.

Additional Topics See the. CMC and FAC CSV File Settings Use in conjunction with the following sections:. For more information about related procedures, see the. Table 53-2 Configuration Settings for CMC and FAC Setting/Column Description For CMC CSV file Client Matter Code Enter a unique code of no more than 16 digits that the user will enter when placing a call. The client matter code displays in the CDRs for calls that use this code. Description This optional field helps you associate a client code with a client.

The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ('), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash ( ), or angle brackets. For FAC CSV File Authorization Code Enter a unique authorization code that is no more than 16 digits. The user enters this code when the user places a call through a FAC-enabled route pattern. Authorization Code Name Enter a unique name that is no more than 50 characters. The authorization code name ties the authorization code to a specific user or group of users; this name displays in the CDRs for calls that use this code. Tip If you plan to assign an authorization code to every user in the system, make sure that the code name includes an identifier for the user, such as the user name or another unique, non-sensitive identifier; for example, an email alias or employee/student number.

Do not use identifiers such as a social security number because the authorization code name writes to CDRs, which are not secure. Authorization Level Enter a three-digit authorization level that exists within the range of 0 to 255; the default equals 0. The level that you assign to the authorization code determines whether the user can route calls through FAC-enabled route patterns. To successfully route a call, the user authorization level must equal or be greater than the authorization level that is specified for the route pattern for the call. Using BAT to Update the CUCM Database To update the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, you must insert the CMC or FAC CSV file in BAT. To update the database, perform the following procedure: Before You Begin Before you can update Cisco Unified Communications Manager, you must create or edit a CMC or FAC CSV file.

Procedure Step 1 In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose one of the following options, depending on whether you use a CMC or FAC CSV file:. For CMC— Bulk Administration Client Matter Codes Insert Client Matter Codes. For FAC— Bulk Administration Forced Authorization Codes Insert Forced Authorization Codes Step 2 In the File Name drop-down list box, choose the CSV file that contains the updated codes. Tip To view the contents of the file that you want to insert, click View File.

Step 3 If you are updating an existing list of codes, check the Override the existing configuration check box, as described in. Step 4 In the Job Information area, enter the Job description. Step 5 Click the Run Immediately radio button to generate a report immediately or, click Run Later to generate reports at a later time. Step 6 Click Submit to create a job for inserting FAC and CMC. For more information on jobs, see the For information on log files, see. Additional Topics See the.

BAT Settings for Updating the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Database Use in conjunction with the. For more information about related procedures, see the.

Table 53-3 Settings in BAT for Inserting CSV Files Setting in BAT Description File Name From the drop-down list box, choose the CMC or FAC file that you want to insert. Override the existing configuration This check box applies if you are updating code for existing settings. Checking this check box overwrites the existing authorization code name (FAC), authorization level (FAC), or description (CMC) with the information that is contained in the file that you want to insert (existing authorization and client matter codes do not change). If you do not check the check box, an error, which writes to the log file, indicates that the authorization or client matter code already exists; therefore, no updates occur.

Related Topics.

Bulk Import or Update using CUCM BAT could be quite tricky if you initially taste it without review its long official user guide and possess very little hands-on experience of it. This post entails the critical tips that you have to bear in mind for BAT transaction, and walks you through the practice-verified BAT transaction procedure derived from my experiences in those cisco UC projects. Hopefully, this post can significantly reduce your time wasting in coping with all kinds of format errors, character encoding issues etc encountered during the BAT operation. Rules to Keep in mind. The text-based CSV (Comma Separated Value) file which will be uploaded to CUCM for BAT operation should be encoded in Unicode UTF-8 format, otherwise, you might run into some characters not rendered correctly after BAT transaction. This rule is even more strict when your CSV file isn’t in purely alphanumeric format.

In other words, Chinese characters are included for example. But if you CSV file contains only alphanumeric (letters & numbers) characters, the Unicode UTF-8 encoding restriction could be loosen little bitter, because alphanumeric-only CSV files encoded other than Unicode UTF-8 could, still possibly be correctly rendered by CUCM BAT. (This is why you can still use Microsoft Excel to edit CSV file and upload to CUCM only when CSV file is a purely alphanumeric one.). The Name of Attributes in the first line of your CSV file should be correct.

Otherwise BAT transaction fails with error codes such as “unrecognized attribute”. In regarding to this issue, you can click on “view sample file” in any Import or Update sub-menus under BAT menu in CUCM Admin GUI to find the reference. For editing pure alphanumeric CSV files, any text edit applications (Notepad, Microsoft Excel) can be used. (Generally, Excel is preferred as each column is clearly identified and better layout is provided). However, regarding to edit CSV files with non-alphanumeric characters included (Chinese characters for example), you have to replace Microsoft Excel with OpenOffice or LibreOffice Spreadsheet.

BAT Procedures & Options Here, we take Bulk Phone Import in CUCM 9.1.1 using text-based CSV file in conjunction with Phone Template as an example. CSV file contains the unique parameters for each individual phone while Phone Template details all the parameters in common.

Define the heading line of CSV file It means determining those unique attributes which should be inserted into CUCM database through CSV file. See the first line of below CSV file for example.

DEVICE NAME,DESCRIPTION,DIRECTORY NUMBER 1,PARTITION 1 SEP0065F643CC97,Phone for Testing,3148421,CNInternalPartition There are 3 ways to do this:. Manually create this using any Text Edit application (Notepad, UltraEdit, CSVed etc) as long as it can be saved in Unicode UTF-8 format finally. Created by manually delete unwanted attributed in an CUCM BAT exported (export all details) text-based CSV file. Manually create using BAT.xlt downloaded from CUCM BAT.

Make sure you enable Macro function when open BAT.xlt using Microsoft Excel. Edit & Input values for each attribute in CSV file As we have figured out the heading line of CSV file, now, it comes to the step of filling in values of all the attributes listed in the heading line, for every single phone that you are going to import.

Also, 3 options are provided. Directly edit the CSV file in Text Edit applications (Notepad, UltraEdit etc) and save it finally in Unicode UTF-8 format.

Open Text-based CSV file in Microsoft Excel by Navigate ting “Data” Tab, select “From Text” and use Comma as Separator. Note: Microsoft Excel implicitly use an encoding scheme other than Unicode UTF-8, and it does not provide access to change that encoding even when you save a file in Excel. If you edit CSV file using Microsoft Excel and input non-alphanumeric characters as values, Chinese Characters for example, those non-alphanumeric characters would definitely not be rendered correctly. In this case, you need to choose spreadsheet in OpenOffice or LibreOffice for editing as they enable you to change encoding scheme to Unicode UTF-8 when saving the CSV file. And Use Microsoft Excel only when editing pure-alphanumeric CSV file.

Input values for attributes directly in BAT.xlt This is the most low-risk way as BAT.xlt will automatically encoding the whole CSV file in Unicode UTF-8 format and ensure each character to be rendered correctly when you click on “Export to BAT Format” after you finish you editing. Verify you uploaded CSV file After you upload you CSV file for BAT transaction, it is a best practice to verify your CSV file before using it to Bulk import or update. Ensure that all characters in CSV file are rendered correctly. You can quickly check this by click on “View Source File” button in BAT Job Submit webpage. New edition ne heartbreak album zip.

Ensure your values in CSV file make sense to existing CUCM configuration. For example, the objects you specified in CSV file should already exist in CUCM configuration.

”Validation” function in BAT menu is dedicated for this purpose. Filed underTagged Post navigation.