Membuat Aplikasi Kasir Menggunakan Vb 6 Dan Barcode
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Membuat Aplikasi Persediaan Barang Menggunakan Database di Visual Basic 6.0 Assalamu'alaykum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Berikut dijabarkan mengenai prosedur pembuatan program menggunakan database di Visual Basic 6.0.
Hymn writing was one of Bennard's passions, as he wrote over 300 of them. Typically it is made of stone, polished hardwood or some kind of metal, and occasionally gilded with gold leaf. Around a hundred years ago, an American called George Bennard (nothing to do with George Bernard Shaw) spent quite a while contemplating this anomaly, and came up with a new hymn: “The Old Rugged Cross”. Very rarely is it a cross of roughly hewn timbers, which is odd because Jesus was not crucified on a cross of polished hardwood or metal, and certainly not a cross gilded with gold leaf.
Barcode menurut pendapat saya adalah salah satu alat input yang berisi kode tertentu yang berbentuk batang dengan garis-garis vertikal atau sejenisnya yang berwarna hitam-putih.Kita pasti tau dan melihat bagaimana bentuk barcode. Barcode banyak kita temukan di luar suatu kemasan produk yang biasanya berada di toko swalayan.Untuk mengaplikasikan barcode ini biasanya menggunakan alat lain yang namanya Barcode Reader sebagai alat pembacanya.
Barcode adalah kode-kode angka dan huruf yang terdiri dari kombinasi bar (garis) dengan berbagai jarak. Hal ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk memasukan data ke dalam komputer.Dalam Barcode tidak berisi barang deskriptif suatu barang namun hanya enkripsi daru jumlah digit angka.
Bagi Anda yang penasaran bagaimana cara membuatnya mari kita ikuti langkah-langkah berikut dibawah ini:
Cara Membuat Barcode di VB 6.0
Desain Form Barcode |
berikut di Module:
Dim xpos!
Dim Y1!
Dim Y2!
Dim dw%
Dim Th!
Dim tw
Dim new_string$
If bc_string = ' Then obj.Cls: Exit Sub
Dim BC(90) As String
BC(1) = '1 1221'
BC(2) = '1 1221'
BC(48) = '11 221'
BC(49) = '21 112'
BC(50) = '12 112'
BC(51) = '22 111'
BC(52) = '11 212'
BC(53) = '21 211'
BC(54) = '12 211'
BC(55) = '11 122'
BC(56) = '21 121'
BC(57) = '12 121'
BC(65) = '211 12'
BC(66) = '121 12'
BC(67) = '221 11'
BC(68) = '112 12'
BC(69) = '212 11'
BC(70) = '122 11'
BC(71) = '111 22'
BC(72) = '211 21'
BC(73) = '121 21'
BC(74) = '112 21'
BC(75) = '2111 2'
BC(76) = '1211 2'
BC(77) = '2211 1'
BC(78) = '1121 2'
BC(79) = '2121 1'
BC(80) = '1221 1'
BC(81) = '1112 2'
BC(82) = '2112 1'
BC(83) = '1212 1'
BC(84) = '1122 1'
BC(85) = '2 1112'
BC(86) = '1 2112'
BC(87) = '2 2111'
BC(88) = '1 1212'
BC(89) = '2 1211'
BC(90) = '1 2211'
BC(32) = '1 2121'
BC(35) = '
BC(36) = '1 1 1 11'
BC(37) = '11 1 1 1'
BC(43) = '1 11 1 1'
BC(45) = '1 1122'
BC(47) = '1 1 11 1'
BC(46) = '2 1121'
BC(64) = '
BC(42) = '1 1221'
bc_string = UCase(bc_string)
obj.ScaleMode = 3
obj.Picture = Nothing
dw = CInt(obj.ScaleHeight / 40)
If dw < 1 Then dw = 1
Th = obj.TextHeight(bc_string)
tw = obj.TextWidth(bc_string)
new_string = Chr$(1) & bc_string & Chr$(2)
Y1 = obj.ScaleTop + 13
Y2 = obj.ScaleTop + obj.ScaleHeight - 1 * Th
obj.Width = 1.1 * Len(new_string) * (15 * dw) * obj.Width / obj.ScaleWidth
xpos = obj.ScaleLeft
For n = 1 To Len(new_string)
c = Asc(Mid$(new_string, n, 1))
If c > 90 Then c = 0
bc_pattern$ = BC(c)
For i = 1 To Len(bc_pattern$)
Select Case Mid$(bc_pattern$, i, 1)
Case ' '
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &HFFFFFF, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
Case '1'
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &HFFFFFF, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &H0&, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
Case '2'
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &HFFFFFF, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 2 * dw, Y2), &H0&, BF
xpos = xpos + 2 * dw
End Select
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &HFFFFFF, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
obj.Width = (xpos + dw) * obj.Width / obj.ScaleWidth
obj.CurrentX = (obj.ScaleWidth - tw) / 2
obj.CurrentY = Y2 + 0.1 * Th
obj.Print bc_string
obj.Line (xpos, Y1)-(xpos + 1 * dw, Y2), &HFFFFFF, BF
xpos = xpos + dw
obj.Width = (xpos + dw) * obj.Width / obj.ScaleWidth
obj.CurrentX = 0 '(obj.ScaleWidth - tw) / 2
obj.CurrentY = 0 'Y2 - 3.25 * Th
obj.Print ''
End Sub
Call DrawBarcode(Text1, Picture1)
End Sub